陸前高田市探訪 「甦る記憶」リメイク版



米ヶ崎城伝説 (296)



Yonegasaki Castle, like Jagasaki Castle, was surrounded by the sea on three sides—east, west, and south—making the Yonegasaki Peninsula itself a natural fortress. It’s unclear whether the stories surrounding this castle are legendary or part of a passed-down history, but one intriguing tale has survived. During the Sengoku period, when enemies crossed the sea to attack Yonegasaki Castle in the winter, the defenders supposedly scattered large amounts of rice across the snow, blending it in with the landscape to conceal the castle. As a result, the enemy was unable to locate the castle and avoided attacking it. This is said to be how the area came to be named "Yonesaki". According to local elders, this region has long been known for its abundant rice production. Today, the remains of Yonegasaki Castle are home to a shrine dedicated to Hachiman, quietly preserving the history and legends of that time.


According to the Kesenshi, the exact date of Yonegasaki Castle’s construction is unclear, but it is believed to have been established during the era of the Kasai clan, extending into the Sengoku period. The first lord of the castle was a certain Igano-no-kami, and later, Hamada Awanokami became the fourth lord, defending Yonegasaki Castle. During the Tenshō period (1573–1592), the castle served as Hamada Awanokami's main stronghold. However, in 1588, during the "Hamada Disturbance," he surrendered to the Kasai clan and fled to the Nanbu domain. Hamada Awanokami passed away in February 1592, in the first year of the Bunroku era, and his grave is now located at Fumonji Temple in the present-day town of Yonesaki. Yonegasaki Castle continues to evoke the history of the Kasai clan and their retainers.

Thank you very much for reading until the end.
