気仙町けんか七夕祭り (223)
Under an overcast sky with high humidity and a damp atmosphere, the "Kesen Town Kenka Tanabata Festival" was held in front of Kono Motors on Youkamachi Street, with drums and flutes adding to the festive spirit. The two Tanabata floats from the Lower Youkamachi Group and Upper Youkamachi Group clashed violently, and atop the floats, both groups waved bamboo branches adorned with tanzaku, reaching the festival's climax. It was truly a fitting display for such a heroic festival.
Looking at the history of Kenka Tanabata, it is said that the festival originated around 370 years ago during the Kanei era (1624–1643) when the Youkamachi and Aramachi neighborhoods created the first Kenka Tanabata floats. However, this is not certain. Currently, the four town associations of Aramachi, Teppomachi, Upper Youkamachi, and Lower Youkamachi create the Kenka Tanabata floats. The main difference between the Takata’s Moving Tanabata and Kesen Town’s Kenka Tanabata is whether there is a clash between the floats.
The essence of Kenka Tanabata lies in the thrilling battles where participants pull on ropes several dozen meters long, attached to the floats, and crash the central log (kajibou) into the body of the other town's float. This unique and aggressive style of Tanabata festival is rare nationwide and was designated an intangible folk cultural asset of the prefecture in 1997.
The main thoroughfare for Kenka Tanabata takes place in the heart of Kesen Town, but in the past, it was held at the center of Aneha Bridge. There are anecdotes about participants falling into the Kesen River due to the intense clashes. Additionally, as Aneha Bridge became the main route connecting to Takata and traffic conditions changed, Kenka Tanabata was no longer held on Aneha Bridge.
Thank you very much for reading until the end.